Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Where's your heart

I think the best way to start this new blog is by introducing my latest film project: 
Fortesque's Finest Hour.
A four minute film about a man with no heart who goes on a metaphysical journey in the inner/morph realm of nature to find one. Here are some film clips, I'll post the link to the film next. This project was for my end of year Degree Show at Brighton University. I studied Illustration: Moving Image.

1. The Healing Heart of Nature
2. You can wake up one day and wonder where your spiritual love is, is it on TV, is it in our dramas, does our manager have it, maybe the supermarket, I hear there's a sale on.
3. Is your heart there, do you need a hammer to listen for a beat?
4. You may dream of having a healing loving heart, is that a message?
5. Nature is a powerful realm where our true selves are preserved in wholeness.
6. Sometimes you have to dive to the bottom of your river and dig in the mud to find what you have lost.
7. Humans are great aren't they, they have those heart things, they heal us, they express our soul. keep your heart safe and share it with everyone.

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